パウダーボードThe day “flying fish”

The day “フライングフィッシュ”はパウダースノーで浮くためだけに生まれてきました。最大幅320mm、全長1780mmのボードの圧倒的な浮力でパウダースノーから浮き出ることが可能です。スノーモトとスノースクートに装着可能です。

A gear is very important for enjoying powder snow.
Though carving may be able to be covered with technology, it becomes the minimum requirements that powder snow floats first.

The day “flying fish” was produced only to float by powder snow.
It is possible to rise up from powder snow by the overwhelming buoyant force of a board of the extreme width 320 mm and length 1780 mm.
This powder board can attach with SNOWMOTO and a snowscoot.

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